We accept every kid for who they are and want to help them grow into who they want to be!
We’re Camp Ocean Pines, and we love all kinds of kids. We love hyper kids and shy kids. We love creative kids and athletic kids, kids who ask questions and kids who are nervous about being away from home. We love the messy kids, the movie-quoting kids, the kids who wear costumes, and every other kid in between.
Our Goals
Growing up is challenging and so is making friends and learning how to navigate the social world. Camp Ocean Pines provides a safe and inclusive environment where campers can learn how to make new friends and how to be a part of a group. Our staff are highly trained in helping kids work through social challenges, and we create a culture where every single child is accepted, included, and able to grow in social confidence.
We know positive moments in nature are transformative for all people. Living in a unique environment lets us provide opportunities for children to immerse themselves in nature. Whether it's kayaking in Morro Bay, meeting our raptors up close, or just sitting under the stars, we give kids the nature experience that lasts a lifetime.
Our daily activities and trips are all intentionally designed to help kids feel challenged and ultimately to experience success. We praise campers for their process — for their hard work and effort — and they leave with confidence and a greater sense of self. We believe that confidence is built from within and we strive to give the opportunities for that during every day of camp.